Posts in sustainable investing
David 1 - 0 Goliath

It may have passed you by, but recently a little-known hedge fund called Engine No.1 (David) scored a direct hit with its shareholder slingshot to the forehead of one of the world’s mighty oil companies ExxonMobil (Goliath), stunning its adversary. Despite only owning 0.02% of ExxonMobil, it put forward a motion at the latter’s AGM to put nominees on the board of directors. It gained two of twelve seats. Quite a coup. Its simple rationale was straightforward:

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A little encouragement goes a long way

As well as calling out firms that are causing harm to the environment and their fellow human beings, we should also encourage businesses that really are trying to make a positive difference. Here are some examples.

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Has the tide turned on attitudes to climate change?

The evidence appears to be pointing to an increase in interest in the environment and to a growing willingness to act on it. Nor is it just certain sections of the population whose attitudes are changing. 2019 may just be the year that, in Britain at least, the tide of public opinion finally turned on climate change.

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